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Inspiration for a large transitional l-shaped painted wood floor, brown floor and exposed beam eat-in kitchen remodel in New York with shaker cabinets, white cabinets, quartz countertops, white backsplash, quartz backsplash, two islands and black countertops
WL Kitchen & Home
WL Kitchen & Home
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary kitchen design in Allendalle, NJ.

Transitional Kitchen, New York

Fall is approaching and with it all the renovations and home projects. That's why we want to share pictures of this beautiful woodwork recently installed which includes a kitchen, butler's pantry, library, units and vanities, in the hope to give you some inspiration and ideas and to show the type of work designed, manufactured and installed by WL Kitchen and Home. For more ideas or to explore different styles visit our website at wlkitchenandhome.com.

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