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Inspiration for a contemporary l-shaped light wood floor eat-in kitchen remodel in San Francisco with flat-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, porcelain backsplash, an island, a drop-in sink, granite countertops, white backsplash and stainless steel appliances
Artistic Kitchen Design - Los Altos Builders
Artistic Kitchen Design - Los Altos Builders
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars25 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary Pedini Kitchen

Contemporary Kitchen, San Francisco

Modular kitchen cabinets made by Pedini, an Italian manufacturer of modular kitchen cabinets. Back painted glass with an aluminum frame on upper cabinets. Large Vetrazzo waterfall countertop.

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Kathy Ridge added this to Kathy RidgeMay 4, 2023

Dark island base