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Mid-sized trendy single-wall light wood floor eat-in kitchen photo in San Francisco with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, granite countertops, green backsplash, stone slab backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
Mahoney Architects & Interiors
Mahoney Architects & Interiors
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars38 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary Tiburon home

Contemporary Kitchen, San Francisco

A kitchen with a view!

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Questions About This Photo (2)

What Houzz contributors are saying
Christine Tusher added this to A Cook’s 6 Tips for Buying Kitchen AppliancesApril 28, 2014

5. How high should my vent hood be?This one took a while to figure out. Although the fan we chose was powerful, we felt...

What Houzzers are commenting on
juyeon dong added this to juyeon's IdeasMarch 11, 2023

great view