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Inspiration for a transitional medium tone wood floor and brown floor hallway remodel in Toronto with beige walls
Soda Pop Design Inc.
Soda Pop Design Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars30 ReviewsView Profile

Cozy Country Reno

Transitional Hall, Toronto

Custom design by Cynthia Soda of Soda Pop Design Inc. in Toronto, Canada. Photography by Stephani Buchman Photography.

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Shana Levy McCracken added this to A Caregiver’s Guide to a Supportive HomeApril 14, 2017

9. Provide memories through images. In our home, we have a hallway covered with family photos, old and new. It...

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berk08 added this to Kitchen Remodel W PantrySeptember 23, 2022

Accent wall kitchen