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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary dark wood floor and brown floor kitchen/dining room combo remodel in New York with white walls and no fireplace
Drew McGukin Interiors @drewmcgukin
Drew McGukin Interiors @drewmcgukin
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile

Drew McGukin Interiors - Chelsea Apartment

Contemporary Dining Room, New York

Brett Beyer Photography

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Questions About This Photo (7)

henryssonhenrysson wrote:June 17, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
Laura Gaskill added this to Condo, Co-op, Townhouse, TIC — What's the Difference?August 2, 2013

CondoWhat you own: Condo owners do not own the land or the exterior of the building, only the inside of the unit itself...

What Houzzers are commenting on
designYYZ added this to HEA CONDOMarch 10, 2024

same issue with lightbulbs, chairs are pastel, would prefer brighter colour, don't hate the table but round probably...