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Transitional home design photo in Toronto
Pro-Land Landscape Construction Inc.
Pro-Land Landscape Construction Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars28 ReviewsView Profile

East Credit

Transitional, Toronto

The client wanted a better flow throughout their landscape, as well as introduce straight lines to a space to modernize the irregular shaped pool. Their upper deck was where they did a majority of their entertaining so ensuring this space was large enough for both dining and lounge was the starting point of the design. Introducing privacy from the many on looking neighbours, without completely blocking it off from the rest of their own yard was important. Laser cut privacy screens added this filtered privacy. A round hot tub was added to the back corner of the property, which otherwise seemed like wasted space. Highlighted by the privacy panels in the same pattern used on the deck to create some consistency. Trees were both maintained and added where needs along the property to add greenery and privacy. The entire space now feels open within the backyard, but private from neighbours.

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