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Kids' room - mid-sized transitional girl medium tone wood floor kids' room idea in San Francisco with multicolored walls
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Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars56 ReviewsView Profile

Edgewood - Fairy Tail Bedrooms

Transitional Kids, San Francisco

Fun, cheerful little girl's room featuring custom house twin bed frame, bright rug, fun twinkly lights, golden lamp, comfy gray reading chair and custom blue drapes. Photo by Exceptional Frames.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Marissa Hermanson added this to Room of the Day: A Child’s Magical Fairy-Tale BedroomApril 21, 2017

Child’s Room at a GlanceWho lives here: A 2-year-old girlLocation: Redwood City, California Size: 224 square feet (20.9...

What Houzzers are commenting on
emilym1030 added this to PorchJanuary 18, 2025

Ellie bedroom