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Example of a classic exterior home design in Denver
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

Ester Exterior

Traditional Exterior, Denver

The initial, and dominating program for the design was based on maximizing back yard space on the over-sized lot we had to work with. Once we came to terms with room relationships and overall schematics, we were slightly puzzled as to what the exterior of the building was going to look like. Our client took a trip to Central Illinois where he took a picture of his grandmother's late 1800 Italianate / Greek Revival farmhouse. Upon showing us the picture, and sharing stories of his Grandma Esther, this new house known as "Esther" was born.

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Question About This Photo (1)

cindilu123cindilu123 wrote:October 15, 2013
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Becky Harris added this to Houzz Tour: Farmhouse Style With an Unusual InspirationFebruary 5, 2013

The lintels and large piece above the front door are Colorado sandstone. The large piece weighs about 3,000 pounds; the...

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atpennysplace added this to atpennysplace's IdeasJuly 21, 2024

All I needed home