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Example of an arts and crafts living room design in Seattle with a standard fireplace and a tile fireplace
Board & Vellum
Board & Vellum
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Family Room

Craftsman Living Room, Seattle

The Family Room has very tall ceilings so white wainscoting was used to visually lower the height of the room when seated around the new gas fireplace. Clean white display accents provide contrast without too much visual clutter. John Wilbanks Photography

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Questions About This Photo (14)

roma514514roma514514 wrote:November 24, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Becky Dietrich, Interior Designer added this to Single Design Moves That Make All the DifferenceJanuary 27, 2014

Think about this room without the bold wall color. Wow. Can you picture it being blander and more conventional?Paint...

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Megan Licameli Design added this to KingswoodOctober 11, 2024

windows with shelves below