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Eclectic home design photo in Seattle
Kaden Scott Neste | Minor Details Interior Design
Kaden Scott Neste | Minor Details Interior Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 ReviewsView Profile

Family Shelter

Eclectic, Seattle

The YWCA Transitional Housing Project was 100% pro bono and was curated in the span of just 3 weeks and with challenging budget of $4500. The apartment features an entry, living/dining room, kitchenette, a very tiny bath and a shared bedroom.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Cathy Lara added this to 5 Small Bathrooms That Stretch Design ImaginationAugust 24, 2012

This small bath exudes joy. “The shower curtain, from Target, makes me smile each time I look at it,” says interior...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Râhül SíÑgh added this to washroomMarch 6, 2022

keep colours tonal