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Living room - large contemporary formal and open concept porcelain tile living room idea in Other with white walls, a ribbon fireplace, a tile fireplace and a media wall
Planika Fires
Planika Fires
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars18 ReviewsView Profile

Fire Line Automatic at the Sea Tower in Gdynia

Contemporary Living Room

Fire Line Automatic 3 is the most intelligent and luxurious bio fireplace available today. Driven by state of the art technology it combines the stylish beauty of a traditional fireplace with the fresh approach of modern innovation. This one of a kind, intelligent solution allows you to create an endless line of fire by connecting multiple units that can be controlled with any smart device through a Wi-Fi system. If this isn’t enough FLA3 can also be connected to any Smart Home System offering you the ultimate in design, safety and comfort. Marcin Konopka from MSWW

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