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Island style bedroom photo in Toronto with white walls
John David Edison Interior Design Inc.
John David Edison Interior Design Inc.
Average rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile

Florida Beachfront Residence - Vero Beach, USA

Tropical Bedroom, Toronto

Owned by a Torontonian couple in Vero Beach, Florida, this 7,200 square-foot vacation retreat is located on the waterfront near John's Island. The interior derives from the home's strong architectural elements and sports a vibrant blend of colours - fuchsias, turquoises, and kiwis to reflect the bright, natural beauty of that part of the state. Photos: Kim Sargent, Sargent Architectural Photography

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bgearheardbgearheard wrote:December 27, 2012
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Transoms Direct added this to Locations - BedroomsAugust 14, 2023

Exterior wall over window