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Inspiration for a traditional shade landscaping in New York for summer.
A J Miller Landscape Architecture PLLC
A J Miller Landscape Architecture PLLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 ReviewsView Profile

Formal City Garden

Traditional Landscape, New York

Shade plant beds, zone 4 Japanese painted lady, Hakone grass, Maiden Hair fern and very small self seeded Hellebores.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Marianne Lipanovich added this to 9 Plants With Amazing Foliage for SummerJanuary 30, 2018

Clockwise from bottom left: Japanese forest grass, small self-seeded hellebores, Japanese painted fern and maidenhair...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Elizabeth Shanley added this to flowersMay 21, 2024

Japanese painted lady, Hakone grass, Maiden Hair fern and very small self seeded Hellebores