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Kids' room - large traditional girl carpeted and pink floor kids' room idea in Newark with pink walls
Sheila Rich Interiors, LLC
Sheila Rich Interiors, LLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars57 ReviewsView Profile


Traditional Kids, Newark

The light, airy sheers with delicate floral embroidery afford privacy on the lower portion of the window; a soft balloon valance with gentle folds in the main fabric pattern help to conceal window darkening shades. The valance arches echo the rhythm of the arched window. A curtain in pink ticking is tied back with a bow that matches the valance; all of these fabrics are taken from the bed. This multi-faceted window treatment dresses this important focal point without interfering with the beauty of the striking window arch, which allows the outdoors to come in and maximizes ambient daylight in the room.

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