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Photo of a large mediterranean front yard gravel landscaping in Santa Barbara.
Margie Grace - Grace Design Associates
Margie Grace - Grace Design Associates
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 ReviewsView Profile

Grace Design Associates

Mediterranean Landscape, Santa Barbara

Back from the ashes!! Burned in the Tea Fire. Lovely Mediterranean Garden. * Builder of the Year: Best Landscape and Hardscape for Santa Barbara Contractors Association

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Noelle Johnson Landscape Consulting added this to Great Design Plant: Salvia LeucanthaAugust 20, 2015

Distinguishing traits. The soft, gray-green leaves range from 1 inch to 2½ inches long. The undersides of the leaves...

What Houzzers are commenting on
achavez204 added this to Wish ListJune 14, 2023

like the desert plants and colors