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Inspiration for a contemporary kitchen remodel in New York
Marble 'n Things
Marble 'n Things
Average rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars4 ReviewsView Profile

Green Onyx Kitchen Backsplash

Contemporary Kitchen, New York

Beautiful Backsplash done in Green Onyx 1x1 Polished installed in a diamond fashion along with Multi-Red Onyx chair rail and pencil moldings

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Jess McBride added this to Give In to Your Wild Side With Exotic Granite and OnyxMay 10, 2016

Large polished slabs aren’t the only, or even the best, scale for onyx, since it’s expensive and difficult to quarry in...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Haskin Homes added this to COON - NEW BUILD INTERIORSSeptember 21, 2024

rainforest marble or onyx looks like this