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Inspiration for a victorian wood exterior home remodel in Boston with a gambrel roof
SV Design
SV Design
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars19 ReviewsView Profile

Green Tea

Victorian Exterior, Boston

Located within a gated golf course community on the shoreline of Buzzards Bay this residence is a graceful and refined Gambrel style home. The traditional lines blend quietly into the surroundings. Photo Credit: Eric Roth

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Questions About This Photo (35)

jiggymacejiggymace wrote:March 19, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
Laura Gaskill added this to Nail Your Curb Appeal: Traditional StyleMay 17, 2016

Consider paths and connecting spaces. The way your house connects to the garage and sidewalk can enhance or detract...

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Wayne Heaphy added this to Wayne's Ideas15 hours ago

Shape of house