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Example of a mid-sized classic open concept medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room design in Seattle with beige walls, a standard fireplace and a tile fireplace
First Lamp
First Lamp
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Greenlake Residence Living

Traditional Living Room, Seattle

This Greenlake area home is the result of an extensive collaboration with the owners to recapture the architectural character of the 1920’s and 30’s era craftsman homes built in the neighborhood. Deep overhangs, notched rafter tails, and timber brackets are among the architectural elements that communicate this goal. Given its modest 2800 sf size, the home sits comfortably on its corner lot and leaves enough room for an ample back patio and yard. An open floor plan on the main level and a centrally located stair maximize space efficiency, something that is key for a construction budget that values intimate detailing and character over size.

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Questions About This Photo (5)

allmarbleheadallmarblehead wrote:January 18, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Rachel Grace added this to Renovation Detail: The Built-In Room DividerAugust 9, 2012

This Green Lake-area residence in Seattle is the result of an extensive collaboration with the owners to recapture the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
dogjump added this to craftsman styleMay 16, 2024

like the minimal columns on the room divider wall