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Example of an eclectic bathroom design in Other
Jerry Jacobs Design, Inc.
Jerry Jacobs Design, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars32 ReviewsView Profile

Hall of Mirrors bath vanity.

Eclectic Bathroom

Freestanding bathtub and nickel silver vanity legs, came from the original 1906 bathroom, as well as some accessories like bath towel rods. I designed the serpentine top vanity, with faux marble sides as well as the bathroom, which I call Hall of Mirrors. This was the Winner room of the Year at the San Francisco Decorators Showcase and a House Beautiful 10 Best Showhouse in America rooms.

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Questions About This Photo (3)

drich1drich1 wrote:May 23, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
Kristy Woodson Harvey and Beth Woodson added this to Double Your Mirrors for Infinite StyleMay 10, 2012

The frame of this mirror complements the vanity below perfectly, while the sconces add further interest.

What Houzzers are commenting on
beecavetx added this to master bathOctober 15, 2020

mirr;or on mirror