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Example of an arts and crafts shed design in Vancouver

Haney Garcia Realty Group

Craftsman Shed, Vancouver

Preparing a house for the market is the main concern of every prospective home-seller. This allows future owners to envision for themselves how they will make that home their own comfortable and hospitable dwelling. Likewise, this increases you potential for making as much profit as you can from you long-term investment. Reaping that profit finally can only be achieved through certain necessary steps to be followed, which are: • Declutter your house The physical appearance comes first, of course. Clearing up the house, especially the cellar and the garage will open up space that potential owners may want to see but could not otherwise if you do not declutter. • Remove as many personal items as much as possible Hide personal, especially family photos, in order to make it easy for the prospective buyer feel that they are already living in your home. This will not only distract them or you from unnecessary conversation about you and your family; it will also make you tour of your home more business-like and unobstrusive. • Keep interior paint colors and décor a neutral tone Nothing can be more distracting and even off-putting than loud interior colors, garish curtains and rods and paint-splashing abstract paintings on your walls. They tend to, again, distract and take away from the essential value of your home, particularly the use of space, ventilation, natural lighting and other advantages which you would want ot emphasize over the less important matters. • Stage your home and rearrange furniture Having lived in and used your home for so long, you may not value this advice until you realize that selling a home is not about you and your home but about the buyer and his/her future home. Doing away with large furniture will open up space where future owners may be free to visualize their own dreams for the house. In short, you set your home up in such a way that you no longer own or use it but the prospective buyer. Maximizing the potential of your house’s resale value requires these essential steps and some others which Haney Garcia Realty Group can recommend to you during a consultation meeting.

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qinghikari00qinghikari00 wrote:January 18, 2014
Buying a Home According to Haney Garcia Realty Group, and then some


Every person has dreamt of owning a home. For many of us who still have this unfulfilled need, here are some valuable recommendations from Haney Garcia. She and her company consider it their commitment to “discover your future”. They are: •List down your non-negotiable needs What does this mean? What are negotiable? They simply our unique dream features, such as where you want your home to be, whether in a particular city or beside a lake or a two-storey deal and others. Of course, some of these may end up being sacrificed I favour of price considerations eventually; so make sure your non-negos are realistic. •Determine a price range This is where the initial test comes whether you can ascertain the delivery of your must-haves or not. Targeting a house, for example, in a pricey subdivision or residential area may instantly disqualify you based on your price range. Don’t’ despair! Price is not the final determinant for making a dream a reality. Scouting around may give you even more than you might have imagined. Location and accessibility are great factors to consider in buying a house; but there are others that may provide you other benefits and perks; such as accessibility or proximity to your children’s schools, to hospitals, to recreation area and other places you might like to be close to. •Contact a lender and obtain a pre-approval letter This will allow you to determine how much you might be able to borrow form that lender and the payment terms. Armed with this information, you can easily scout around for prospective homes you could purchase through that loan. The lender may also provide you with assistance on certain aspects of the home purchase; such as information on foreclosed homes or lot properties which may be suitable for your needs. •Narrow down a location This is where you finally reduce choices to one or a few possible hoes which satisfy your family requirements. You may not need to come up with one particular choice as, a sit often happens, some issues will arise form that particular choice, unless you are buying one which your best friend or a relative may have offered to you for a greatly reduced price. •Outline needs versus wants A tough task to undertake, particularly for those who have peculiar wants they consider non-negotiable – like buying a medium-sized farm property out in the country in order to fulfil your dream of becoming a small-time farmer or gardener. For young retirees who do not have children around the house to worry about, this may be feasible and ay qualify as a need. And even some young families have done so with children in tow. It will be all up to you what you consider as valuable and is, therefore, a need and not merely a want. •Solidifying your ideal home choice The final step is to solidify your ideal home with the help of Haney Garcia Realty Group area experts. Fine-tuning your issues with respect to location, price range, needs and wants, as well as the nitty-gritty questions on loans and r