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Corner shower - large rustic master mosaic tile and blue tile blue floor corner shower idea in Burlington with concrete countertops, recessed-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, a two-piece toilet, green walls, an undermount sink, a hinged shower door and green countertops
Birdseye Design
Birdseye Design
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Hill Section Home

Rustic Bathroom, Burlington

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Ivon Street Studio added this to Green and Clean: Ecofriendly Bath FloorsJuly 29, 2012

Recycled glass tile floors. Recycled glass tile, with its jewellike qualities and bevy of color options, makes greening...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Will Layton added this to Master BathSeptember 30, 2024

green in the floor tile could be the answer. slate will show so much more dirt. a busy floor will be more likely to...