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Trendy kitchen photo in New York
d2 interieurs
d2 interieurs
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars32 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Kitchen, New York


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Questions About This Photo (4)

Ania Omski-Talwar Interior DesignAnia Omski-Talwar Interior Design wrote:September 4, 2019
What Houzz contributors are saying
Mitchell Parker added this to Take a Virtual Tour of an Interior Designer’s Retro-Glam HomeApril 16, 2020

In the kitchen, Davies skipped upper cabinets to help make the low-ceilinged space feel more expansive. The countertops...

What Houzzers are commenting on
gannie570 added this to gannie570's ideasOctober 21, 2023

Drawer pulls and quartz island