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Kitchen - contemporary kitchen idea in Portland Maine with flat-panel cabinets and stainless steel appliances

House on a Point

Contemporary Kitchen, Portland Maine

The site for this residence is the bowl of a retired gravel pit on a quiet coastal peninsula. The orientation invites southern sun into all the principal spaces, while the slope of the pit is used as a berm against northerly winter winds. A principal goal was to create a sequence of rooms that presented volumetric complexity, while providing a constant play between interior and exterior exposure. At times, the view to the outside is framed and limited; at other points along the way, the corners of the rooms are opened fully to invite in the world outside. Photos by Brian Vanden Brink.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
John Hill added this to 'Houses of Maine' Puts Modernism in Its Place — in NatureMay 21, 2013

The curved profile of the roof is the project's most distinct design feature, one that was inspired by boatbuilding....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Gaylynne added this to Island IdeasFebruary 19, 2021

Buffet butted up next to island