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Basement - mid-sized traditional vinyl floor and brown floor basement idea in Minneapolis with a bar, a standard fireplace and a wood fireplace surround
Jacobson Construction, Inc.
Jacobson Construction, Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars37 ReviewsView Profile

How a big accident turned into the perfect opportunity for a family room

Traditional Basement, Minneapolis

When you enter the new space, you’ll be surprised by how bright it is. Looking to the right you’ll see a free-standing island designed for entertaining, with liquor drawer, beer and wine fridge below, and a granite countertop above. Running a support post through the countertop made the post blend into the design. Both support poles, the main beam, and all soffits were boxed in and painted light gray. The new three-quarter bath features a porcelain floor and bright porcelain tiled walk-in shower. The new laundry room and utility rooms are enclosed with matching white doors, the design makes this space bright and welcoming. An important part of good basement renovation.

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