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Inspiration for a transitional medium tone wood floor and orange floor family room remodel in Portland with beige walls and no fireplace
Mosaik Design & Remodeling
Mosaik Design & Remodeling
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars41 ReviewsView Profile

Industrial Chic Basement

Transitional Family Room, Portland

Mosaik Design & Remodeling recently completed a basement remodel in Portland’s SW Vista Hills neighborhood that helped a family of four reclaim 1,700 unused square feet. Now there's a comfortable, industrial chic living space that appeals to the entire family and gets maximum use. Lincoln Barbour Photo

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Toronto Interior Design Group added this to 11 Ways to Work With a Windowless RoomMarch 22, 2015

3. Large art. Similar to a mirror, a large art piece (especially one in a white or metallic frame with a lot of white...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Grace Cannon added this to Media Room3 days ago

Like the flooring and wall color