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Example of a minimalist basement design in Boston
Obie Comfort Solutions
Obie Comfort Solutions
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars28 ReviewsView Profile

Installation of a hybrid system gas furnace with a heat pump.

Modern Basement, Boston

Installation of a hybrid system gas furnace with a heat pump. The heat pump is the primary source of heat and the gas furnace is the auxiliary. This heat pump can work at very low temperatures (as low as -13 Fahrenheit). The gas furnace only operates when the heat pump can not provide enough heat. This is a 3,500 square feet home and over the winter the customer has gas bills as low as $50 a month. This system is also equipped with a air purifier that not only captures but kills bacteria and viruses. For optimum comfort, the customer also has an automatic steam dehumidifier. For controls he has the Evolution Connex Thermostat Control. This WiFi thermostat allows him to control the system remotely on any smartphone or tablet. He can be in his bedroom or anywhere in the world and still control the temperature of anywhere in his home.

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