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Bathroom - mid-sized contemporary master white tile and ceramic tile pebble tile floor and beige floor bathroom idea in London with a vessel sink, a one-piece toilet and white cabinets
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Interior design

Contemporary Bathroom, London

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Questions About This Photo (2)

Associated Design Studio, L.L.C.Associated Design Studio, L.L.C. wrote:September 24, 2017
What Houzz contributors are saying
Joanna Tovia added this to Add Excitement With Vibrant Ceiling ColorFebruary 3, 2015

Red. It may be bold, but if your personality is on the more outgoing side, red may suit you to a T. And what better way...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Keirsten Williams added this to principles of designSeptember 15, 2023

regular rhythm the beat is the square mirrors and the square fireplace as well as the paint lines on the ceiling