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Example of a large 3/4 beige tile and porcelain tile porcelain tile bathroom design in Adelaide with light wood cabinets, beige walls, a console sink and quartz countertops
Italia Ceramics
Italia Ceramics
Average rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars7 ReviewsView Profile

Italia ceramics Tile Collection

Bathroom, Adelaide

Boulevard 2D Hexagon: Exclusive to italia Ceramics in South Australia Create an extraordinary space with our exclusive Boulevard 2D Hexagon collection. Specially designed and manufactured in Europe, these breathtakingly beautiful wall and floor tiles will bring a real freshness to any living room, bedroom, or even bathroom. With a state-of-the-art timber look, plus the added benefits of porcelain tiles, the Boulevard collection provides a warm, calming and tranquil atmosphere that’s both stylish and functional.

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