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Example of an eclectic gender-neutral medium tone wood floor kids' study room design in New York with yellow walls


Eclectic Kids, New York

Turned attic storage space into two bedrooms for my kids. Did it all myself so it cost around $120 in paint and polyurethane, $15 in sandpaper for the floors, around $8 for spackle and wood filler, and $15 for trim. A couple of dollars for plastic to cut out polka dot templates. Used pieces of old sheet-rock to patch holes in the walls, so well under $200 for everything. Turned a closet into a little reading room. There are some before shots taken before I bought the house.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Vanessa Brunner added this to Unearth Your AtticMarch 1, 2012

Colorful Girls' Getaway in New YorkAFTER: Katie O'Hagan wanted to transform the attic in her Beacon, New York, home...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Cheryl Reynolds added this to TAB's folder of things!May 23, 2024

i feel like this house has a lot of yellow in it