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Inspiration for a coastal living room remodel in Minneapolis with gray walls
O’Hara Interiors
O’Hara Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars191 ReviewsView Profile

Kellogg Road Residence

Beach Style Living Room, Minneapolis

Interior Design by Martha O'Hara Interiors; Build by REFINED, LLC; Photography by Troy Thies Photography; Styling by Shannon Gale

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Questions About This Photo (28)

What Houzz contributors are saying
Jessica Dupuy added this to Houzz Tour: Beachy Casualness in Landlocked MinneapolisSeptember 13, 2013

It made sense to incorporate a different color in the living room, and pink turned out to be just the thing, from the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
hthutson added this to 6747 Firenze3 days ago

Paint color