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Kitchen - traditional kitchen idea in Raleigh with stainless steel appliances
Rebecca Driggs Interiors
Rebecca Driggs Interiors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile


Traditional Kitchen, Raleigh

Traditional kitchen with painted white cabinets, a large kitchen island with room for 3 barstools, built in bench for the breakfast nook and desk with cork bulletin board.

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kbowleskbowles wrote:July 15, 2012
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The Inman Company added this to 8 Cabinetry Details to Create Custom Kitchen StyleMarch 15, 2013

Aprons. The apron is the piece of wood that travels under and around the countertop overhang. The standard apron height...

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Mary McDermott added this to Kitchenyesterday

Kitchen lighting over the island