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Inspiration for a bedroom remodel in Hawaii
Willman Interiors / Gina Willman, ASID
Willman Interiors / Gina Willman, ASID
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile

Kuikawa 4 twin room

Asian Bedroom, Hawaii

Willman Interiors is a full service Interior design firm on the Big Island of Hawaii. There is no cookie-cutter concepts in anything we do—each project is customized and imaginative. Combining artisan touches and stylish contemporary detail, we do what we do best: put elements together in ways that are fresh, gratifying, and reflective of our clients’ tastes. Photo Credit : Linny Morris

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Scheer & Co. Interior Design added this to 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Dress Your BedJuly 9, 2011

The band approach works well for twin beds, too. This room could accommodate kids or adult guests with its refined look.

What Houzzers are commenting on
By A Woman’s Hand added this to MCM InspirationNovember 24, 2023

Gorgeous ottomans