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Living room - mid-sized contemporary formal and open concept light wood floor living room idea in Calgary with white walls, a two-sided fireplace and a wood fireplace surround
Mitchell Brock
Mitchell Brock
Average rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile

Lake City Home

Contemporary Living Room, Calgary

Great Room - A contemporary home with a roof made up of two offset inverted rectangles that integrate into a single building supported by a solid wood beam. The visual impact is stunning yet the home integrates into the rich, semi-arid grasslands and opens to embrace the inspired views of Nicola Lake! The laminated wood beam is not really supported by the port hole openings, instead it is really part of a solid structural wood support system built up within the building envelope and providing lateral support for the home. The glazed windows extend from the underside of the roof plane down to the floor of the main living area, creating a ‘zero edge’ water view and the L shaped deck does not fully extend along the width of the lake façade so that uninterrupted lake and hillside views can be enjoyed from the interior. Finally lakeside beauty is captured by a window wall where an indoor/outdoor concrete fireplace enhances the views from the interior while creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere deck-side. - See more at: http://mitchellbrock.com/projects/case-studies/lake-city-home/#sthash.cwQTqPYv.dpuf

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