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Inspiration for a timeless kitchen remodel in DC Metro
Granite Grannies
Granite Grannies
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars92 ReviewsView Profile

Leathered Antique Brown Granite and River Valley Granite in Vienna, VA

Traditional Kitchen, DC Metro

Leathered Antique Brown Granite on the perimeter counters and River Valley Granite on the island. Leathered granite is a matte finish granite that has texture (the amount of texture usually depends on the minerals in the individual granites). Leathered Antique Brown Granite is a black (then name is a little off) granite that is almost soft to the touch. It still has a good amount of iridescence to it, as you can see in the photos. The River Valley Granite on the island is gentle, lilting stone that adds brightness and motion to the balance the dark perimeter counters.

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