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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary ceramic tile and white floor kitchen/dining room combo remodel in San Francisco with white walls and no fireplace
European Kitchen Design
European Kitchen Design
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lime mint green color kitchen in Belmont

Contemporary Dining Room, San Francisco

The client knew that it was about time to get a new kitchen and replace it with the original kitchen that came with the house. However, she had already bar stools in the lime mint green color, it she wanted to implement this color into the color scheme of the new kitchen design. With the ability of Alno to provide NCS colors to their collection of the smooth lacquer door style, we had created a nice balance combination between the lime mint green color and a nice arctic white color. This amazing combination of colors gave immediately a fresh clean feeling to this well designed kitchen layout. Door Style Finish: Alno Fine, smooth lacquer door style, in the white and green lime mint colors finish.

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