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Inspiration for a modern freestanding desk home office remodel in Los Angeles with white walls
Izumi Tanaka Photography
Izumi Tanaka Photography
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 ReviewsView Profile

LivingHomes C6 designed by Jamie Bush in Palm Springs Modernism Week

Modern Home Office, Los Angeles

Newly unveiled C6, a sustainable pre-fab home, by LivingHomes on display during Modernism Week in Palm Springs. Photography by Izumi Tanaka

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Questions About This Photo (9)

diellehdielleh wrote:March 29, 2012
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Toronto Interior Design Group added this to 8 Ways to Use Plug-In Sconces in Your Lighting SchemeMarch 22, 2015

2. Declutter a desk. A simple table lamp can work just as easily at home as it does at the office to add task lighting...

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Julie Guicheteau added this to Rénos sous-solSeptember 21, 2024
