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Alcove shower - rustic brown tile and slate tile brown floor alcove shower idea in Minneapolis with dark wood cabinets, wood countertops, a drop-in sink, shaker cabinets, beige walls and brown countertops
Lands End Development - Designers & Builders
Lands End Development - Designers & Builders
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 ReviewsView Profile

Lower Whitefish Lake 8

Rustic Bathroom, Minneapolis

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Questions About This Photo (28)

ShakeelaShakeela wrote:December 17, 2014
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Becky Harris added this to Houzz Tour: Renovation Preserves Memories in a Rustic Lake CabinApril 16, 2015

Now, a combination of barn wood walls, alder cabinets, slate tile and river rock tile bring in a rustic look. “The barn...

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Habib Davis added this to My Projectyesterday

Tile in the shower and floor