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Example of a large trendy open concept medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room design in Melbourne with white walls, no fireplace and a media wall
Designs Australia
Designs Australia
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 ReviewsView Profile

Luk Residence

Contemporary Living Room, Melbourne

Floor to ceiling entertainment and storage unit fitted between window and doorway. Open section for television and sound bar with cable access to four cupboards below. AV equipment and subwoofer housed in cupboards below with cable management and ventilation throughout. Double drawers to left hand side below top. Two long general storage cupboards and display shelving tower to left hand side above top. Four general storage cupboards stepped back and floating above TV section with adjustable shelves throughout. Size: 4m wide x 2.7m high x 0.5m deep Materials: Stained Victorian Ash with 30% clear satin lacquer finish. Painted Dulux White Cloak 1/4 strength with 30% gloss finish.

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