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Design ideas for a mediterranean drought-tolerant stone garden path in San Luis Obispo.
Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.
Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars21 ReviewsView Profile

Lush Los Osos Landscape

Mediterranean Landscape, San Luis Obispo

Grasses combine to form this coastal eclectic garden space: carex, stipa, pennisetum, and more.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Marianne Lipanovich added this to Please Touch and More: 5 Elements of a Sensory GardenMay 17, 2017

3. Plants That Make SoundsThe sounds may be subtle at times, but your garden will talk to you, especially when it’s...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Silvia Lorenzi added this to Idee di SilviaMarch 19, 2024

Piante tappezzanti calpestabili