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Example of an eclectic living room design in Los Angeles
Mad Mod Home
Mad Mod Home
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars36 ReviewsView Profile

Mid Century Modern Arc Lamp and Mexican Blanket Ottoman

Eclectic Living Room, Los Angeles

We brought in a low sofa in a graphite tone and paired it with a fluffy flokati rug, Rachel made the ottoman out of a Mexican blanket, a plank of wood, a piece of foam and Mid Century table legs.

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creative jewish mom.com added this to Woven Works of Art: Mexican Textiles Offer Rich Hand-Crafted StyleJune 26, 2013

Mexican blankets can also be used as one might use upholstery fabric. A vintage ottoman covered with an aqua striped...

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mari214 added this to Blue BedroomDecember 27, 2022

futon pilllows, throw