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Inspiration for a transitional look-out brick floor and beige floor basement remodel in Minneapolis with gray walls and no fireplace
O’Hara Interiors
O’Hara Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars191 ReviewsView Profile

Minnesota Residence

Transitional Basement, Minneapolis

Martha O'Hara Interiors, Interior Design | L. Cramer Builders + Remodelers, Builder | Troy Thies, Photography | Shannon Gale, Photo Styling Please Note: All “related,” “similar,” and “sponsored” products tagged or listed by Houzz are not actual products pictured. They have not been approved by Martha O’Hara Interiors nor any of the professionals credited. For information about our work, please contact

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Questions About This Photo (40)

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Laura Gaskill added this to November Checklist for a Smooth-Running HomeSeptember 28, 2013

Check the sump pump. If you have a sump pump in your basement to help in case of flooding, now (before winter storms)...

What Houzzers are commenting on
gigitoo added this to Hardwood Floors For PC4 days ago

Ceiling is white dove