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Example of a trendy open concept kitchen design in Minneapolis
Eminent Interior Design
Eminent Interior Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Appeal

Contemporary Kitchen, Minneapolis

The remodel of the 60's Kitchen took several small spaces and integrated them together for a modern family lifestyle. The Kitchen opens into the Family Room space that leads into the Living Room beyond and adjacent Dining Room. The rustic farmhouse table provides ample casual family style dining. Rectangular stone tiles create a new face and surround of the existing fireplace. Designer Brandi Hagen used a large piece of walnut as the hearth and incorporated the stainless in front of the firebox creating a modern feel. To learn more about this project from Eminent Interior Design, click on the followng link: http://eminentid.com/featured-work/kitchen-design-simply-sophisticated/case_study Photography by Mark Ehlen - Ehlen Creative

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