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Minimalist bathroom photo in Denver with a vessel sink, flat-panel cabinets, concrete countertops and light wood cabinets
186 Lighting Design Group - Gregg Mackell
186 Lighting Design Group - Gregg Mackell
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Bathroom

Modern Bathroom, Denver

Modern Master Bathroom with floating vanities. Square aperture adjustable recessed lighting was used to complement the rectilinear interiors. A custom LED strip light and mirror detail provides soft illumination for anyone standing at the vanity and looking in the mirror. Architect: Tom Cole Interior Designer: Robyn Scott Photographer: Teri Fotheringham Keywords: Lighting, Lighting Design, Master Bath, Master Bath Lighting, Vanity Light, Vanity Lights, Shower Lighting, Bath Lighting, Lighting Designer, modern bathroom, modern bath, contemporary vanity, modern vanity, LED lighting, lighting design, contemporary bath, modern bath lighting, modern bathroom, modern bath lighting. contemporary bath lighting, bath lighting, bathroom lighting, vanity lighting, vanity lights, modern bathroom, modern bathroom, modern bathroom lighting, modern bath, modern bathroom, modern bathroom

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Questions About This Photo (21)

georginaj3205georginaj3205 wrote:June 24, 2012
What Houzz contributors are saying
Pangaea Interior Design, Portland, OR added this to 18 Sumptuous Vanities for Singular BathroomsJuly 16, 2012

The floating counters above a floating cabinet create a light and airy feel in this double vanity area. Plenty of...

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Jess Jess added this to Buhlman3 days ago

wood ceiling, tile floors