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Hallway - contemporary hallway idea in Boston
Flavin Architects
Flavin Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars62 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Blueberry Farm and House

Contemporary Hall, Boston

Flavin Architects collaborated with Ben Wood Studio Shanghai on the design of this modern house overlooking a blueberry farm. A contemporary design that looks at home in a traditional New England landscape, this house features many environmentally sustainable features including passive solar heat and native landscaping. The house is clad in stucco and natural wood in clear and stained finishes and also features a double height dining room with a double-sided fireplace. Photo by: Nat Rea Photography

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Questions About This Photo (2)

kennypkennyp wrote:June 19, 2017
What Houzz contributors are saying
Camille LeFevre added this to Houzz Tour: Modern Style for a Massachusetts Blueberry FarmJune 4, 2017

From the front entrance, the glass-lined walkway-solarium, which faces into the courtyard, leads to the kitchen and...

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Salman Mian added this to MianJune 13, 2021

window hallaway. One side wall. One side window