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Mid-sized transitional master marble tile marble floor, multicolored floor, double-sink, wainscoting and wallpaper bathroom photo in Charlotte with shaker cabinets, gray cabinets, gray walls, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops and a built-in vanity
Muse Residential
Muse Residential
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars25 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Meets Farmhouse Bathroom

Transitional Bathroom, Charlotte

In this farmhouse inspired bathroom there are four different patterns in just this one shot. The key to it all working is color! Using the same colors in all four, makes this bath look cohesive and fun, without being too busy. The gold in the accent tile ties in with the gold in the wallpaper, and the white ties all four together. By keeping a neutral gray on the wall and vanity, the eye has time to rest making this bath a real stunner!

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