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Inspiration for a modern kitchen remodel in Los Angeles
Erica Islas  / EMI Interior Design, Inc.
Erica Islas / EMI Interior Design, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars14 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Rustic Kitchen

Modern Kitchen, Los Angeles

Maintaining and highlighting the architectural details of the space was key in this Kitchen renovation. Photo : Young-Wolff Photography

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Erika Ward - Erika Ward Interiors added this to Interview: Timeless Kitchen and Bath DesignJune 14, 2011

EW: What should homeowners remember when devising a plan for their kitchen lighting? EI: One central light fixture...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Stacy added this to Stacy's ideasDecember 4, 2022

beam with ceiling extension