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Inspiration for a contemporary bedroom remodel in Houston with gray walls
High Fashion Home
High Fashion Home
Average rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Moroccan Modern - Tioga Bed

Contemporary Bedroom, Houston

Combine clean, modern lines with worldly and exotic bedding, accessories, and accents. Earthy and eclectic, the bold patterns and silhouettes take you away to the Moroccan coast - what are you waiting for?

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Questions About This Photo (4)

dewhite61dewhite61 wrote:July 25, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Janet Dunn added this to Gypsy in Your Soul: 10 Steps to a Bohemian BedroomNovember 6, 2014

6. Compose a beautiful bed for sleeping and lounging. Think of your bed as an artwork in itself. Put some thought into...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Michele Steurer added this to Grace RoomApril 30, 2024

wall decor