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Design ideas for a farmhouse partial sun backyard landscaping in New York.
Rikki Snyder
Rikki Snyder
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

My Houzz: Layers of Patina and an Artist’s Touch in a New York Colonial

Farmhouse Landscape, New York

Photo: Rikki Snyder © 2014 Houzz

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Rikki Snyder added this to My Houzz: Layers of Patina and an Artist’s Touch in a New York ColonialSeptember 5, 2014

Dick’s blacksmith workshop sits next to the barn. It blends in perfectly with the other buildings.

What Houzzers are commenting on
Brent Braud LLC added this to My ideasNovember 20, 2024

Wood and steel antique home decor