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Enclosed dining room - large craftsman dark wood floor enclosed dining room idea in Providence with green walls, a standard fireplace and a tile fireplace
Battle Associates, Architects
Battle Associates, Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Narragansett Point

Craftsman Dining Room, Providence

This project was an historic renovation located on Narragansett Point in Newport, RI returning the structure to a single family house. The stunning porch running the length of the first floor and overlooking the bay served as the focal point for the design work. The view of the bay from the great octagon living room and outdoor porch is the heart of this waterfront home. The exterior was restored to 19th century character. Craftsman inspired details directed the character of the interiors. The entry hall is paneled in butternut, a traditional material for boat interiors.

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