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Inspiration for a mid-sized shabby-chic style u-shaped ceramic tile enclosed kitchen remodel in St Louis with an undermount sink, raised-panel cabinets, green cabinets, white backsplash, subway tile backsplash, paneled appliances and wood countertops
Karr Bick Kitchen and Bath
Karr Bick Kitchen and Bath
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars53 ReviewsView Profile

Painted Green Kitchen Renovation St. Louis, MO

Shabby-chic Style Kitchen, St Louis

Denash Photography, Designed by Jenny Rausch C.K.D. French country kitchen with marble countertops and a white tile backsplash. Mouser cabinets cover a built-in stainless steel Bottom Freezer Refrigerator. Green painted cabinets with ornate finish and simplicity. Deep sink with sconce above. Tiled floors. Traditional sconces.

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